Inklusives Spielzeug - Eine bunte Welt im Kinderzimmer

Includes toys - a colorful world in the children's room

Inclusive toys reflect the diversity of the real world and promote acceptance, tolerance and mutual understanding. We at Wombly adaptive kidswear explain to you exactly what inclusive toys are, wha...
Was ist Inklusion? Eine inklusive Gesellschaft für alle

What is inclusion? An inclusive society for everyone

What does the term inclusion actually mean? What does inclusion bring us and how can we be more inclusive as a society? 
Adaptive Kleidung – Für mehr Selbstbestimmtheit und Inklusion

Adaptive clothing – For more self-determination and inclusion

Adaptive clothing, also known as fitted clothing or specialized clothing, refers to garments designed for people with physical limitations or disabilities.
Hebamme Luise Kaschel im Interview mit Wombly ueber adaptive Kleidung Neugeborene

"Nature does not conform to norms."

Luise Kaschel is a midwife in the country. The mother of three has already supported more than 1,000 families. WOMBLY talks to her about the sensitive time after birth.
Ableismus: Junger Mann benutzt einen Rollstuhl und arbeitet an einer Werkbank

What is ableism and what forms are there?

People with disabilities often get because of their abilities put a stamp on it. What is happening? behind the term "ableism" hides, are you reading in ourin Wombly-Blog.