Der große Tag: Wenn das Frühchen nach Hause darf

The big day: When the premature baby is allowed to go home

Premature babies often stay in the hospital for some time after birth and are nursed and given intensive medical care. However, at some point the moment comes for parents of premature babies when ...
"Batik für Alle"

“Batik for everyone”

Jana Walther is co-founder of Wombly adaptive kidswear. She grew up in the fashion and clothing industry and lived in Asia for over 20 years. Today she tells you about her everyday life as a patter...
Du hast ein Baby bekommen? So bestimmst Du die richtige Kleidergröße.

Did you have a baby? This is how you determine the right clothing size.

The first few weeks with a newborn are an exciting time. A lot has to be learned and practiced, a lot can be unsettling. If your baby doesn't conform to the so-called "norm", it can be difficult to...
Adaptive Kleidung – Für mehr Selbstbestimmtheit und Inklusion

Adaptive clothing – For more self-determination and inclusion

Adaptive clothing, also known as fitted clothing or specialized clothing, refers to garments designed for people with physical limitations or disabilities.
Hebamme Luise Kaschel im Interview mit Wombly ueber adaptive Kleidung Neugeborene

"Nature does not conform to norms."

Luise Kaschel is a midwife in the country. The mother of three has already supported more than 1,000 families. WOMBLY talks to her about the sensitive time after birth.
Ableismus: Junger Mann benutzt einen Rollstuhl und arbeitet an einer Werkbank

What is ableism and what forms are there?

People with disabilities often get because of their abilities put a stamp on it. What is happening? behind the term "ableism" hides, are you reading in ourin Wombly-Blog.